Thursday, June 26, 2014

Camp Update!

Hello?  Hello? Is anybody out there?

(Monday night I risked my camera's life to get some great shots from the canoe--more to come!)

We are here!  We are here in the beautiful Berkshire Mountains and we have been living the camp life for the last three weeks!  It has NOT been easy for this California girl to adjust, but I think I've made it.  First thing to note about living in New England--it rains A LOT, and preceding any rain storm is unbearable humidity that stays overnight into the next day.  I had to purchase rain jackets for both James and myself the second day we were here because when it rains it POURS (we weren't prepared), and I don't say that lightly.  I don't think we've ever experienced this much rain, or rain that falls this hard!  Like, each rain drop is the size of a golf ball, not like the measly rain drops we get in SoCal.

(Our backyard!)
(This is actually the cabin that we are living in, nestled in the woods, right on the lake.  Our bedroom is up on the top!)

But aside from the few rainy spurts we've had, it has been exceptionally beautiful here.  Everything is SO green and alive; it's gorgeous.  We have 20 acres of Lake in my "backyard" view and every morning there is an amazing landscape reflection on the calm water (before the wind picks up); I've tried to capture it on camera but even pictures don't do it justice..

(A shot from last night's yoga session--one of the more relaxing perks of pre-camp orientation)

I've been living/working in the office, helping with any and all administrative and design tasks that need to get done before campers arrive on Sunday, while James has been busy driving all around the state of Massachusetts (and Connecticut and New York!) to get all of our errands and pick-ups completed.  I've recently begun my transition from office work to photographer and all I will say is that I couldn't be more excited to be out of the office and onto my passion, so to speak.. And how lucky are we?!  My dad noted in an email that we have got to be some of the luckiest people around, to be spending our summer and earning our income living in such a nice place, taking hiking and swimming breaks along with doing what we love (in my case, photography).  And he's right!  It has been quite the change of scenery, but I'll take it.  Living in East Otis, the nearest town is about 30-45 minutes away (Target, groceries, airport, etc.) and I haven't had Starbucks in over three weeks!  (Or any lattes, for that matter.)  But don't worry, I'm going to Starbucks on my day off this Saturday and I plan to drink at LEAST a few cups.

So now we're down to the wire; Mia Hamm arrives in 2 days and everyone is in a flurry trying to get everything beautified and squared away in time.  Tensions are running high and coffee is running low.  But there is an exciting buzz in the air and everyone's gearing up!  I have to say, it's QUITE the privilege to know that I will be their exclusive photographer, and will be hanging out with them, speaking with them, eating with them, etc. at all times! :D  (Can you tell I'm a little starstruck??)  My new lenses just arrived in the mail today and I'm about to have a small heart attack over the excitement of it all.  Dreams are coming true here, people!

(Biceps, here I come!)

The internet usage here is quite limited, along with cell phone reception, so I can't promise many more updates like this, but stay tuned just in case!

Miss you all! (You know who you are!)

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Berkshire Soccer Academy for Girls

On March 11th I started working as a seasonal office temp for the Berkshire Soccer Academy for Girls.  I didn't think it would turn into much, but it was a nice part-time gig, close to home, and was enjoyable enough.  Now here I am, not even two months later, working full time, doing what I love (graphic design) and about to be sent on the adventure of a lifetime.  I guess that might be an overstatement, but not by much!

BSA is an elite girls soccer camp that runs 6 weeks out of the summer in East Otis, Massachusetts.  They have 5 week-long sessions with short bridge sessions that connect the weeks for campers staying for more than one session.  They have amazing US Women's National Team stars like Mia Hamm, Kristine Lilly, Tish Venturi-Hoch, and Heather O'Reilly coming to coach, and the rest of the soccer, elective and facility staff are creme of the crop.

When they asked me to come along for the summer I'll admit I wasn't initially interested, but mostly because I didn't want to leave my hubby alone at home with my family for two months.  But when they asked if I would come as photographer, and when they said they could make a place for James to work on campus as well, well that definitely sweetened the deal.

So here we are, 4 days from departure, ready to pack up and ship our lives across the country for the next 10 weeks.  I'm apprehensive and a little anxious (mainly because we found out on a moment's notice and I've hardly had time to even pull my suitcase out of the shed!), but I'm also so excited for this opportunity and chance to round out my photography skills.  I've always said sports photography wasn't my forte, but now that I'll be photographing soccer celebrities I think I can expand my repertoire. ;)

So you can probably expect this blog to be quiet for the summer, due to lack of internet access, and TIME for that matter, but you better believe I'll have some great stuff once I'm back!

Oh, and the sweetest part?!  Since we're all the way on the east coast already, and we end "work" on August 8th, we will be spending our [two-year] anniversary weekend/week celebrating in New York City! :D  I haven't been since I was maybe 10 years old, and James has never even been outside the airport, so we are SO stoked to be tourists and see all there is to see.